Season 5 Episode 45 - Delivering Financial Impact with Financial Coaching ft. Holly Morphew, AFC®

About our guest…

Holly Morphew, AFC® is a visionary, financial coach, and multi-generational entrepreneur. She’s the founder + CEO of Financial Impact, which helps professionals and entrepreneurs create personal wealth and financial independence.

A pioneer in the personal finance industry, Holly’s work has been featured in Forbes, Business Insider, Yahoo Finance, FemFounder, and more. In 2008 Holly received the prestigious “Rotarian of the Year” award for her work in financial literacy, and in 2017 she was recognized by the Association for Financial Planning and Counseling Education ® with the "Bridging the Gap" award for outstanding work as an Accredited Financial Counselor® in private practice.

Her book Simple Wealth is a #1 best seller in nine out of ten categories including money management, women & business, personal finance, real estate, retirement, budgeting, personal transformation, credit repair, and wealth management.

Holly has a B.A. from the University of Colorado in International Affairs and Japanese with a Minor in Business. Today, Holly speaks, coaches, and writes about money, personal transformation, and creating a life of design.

What we talked about…

🎙️ Finding your tribe 

🎙️ Serving Your Tribe & Delivering Impact

🎙️ The Impact of Financial Coaching on Financial Advice

🎙️  How do coaches and advisors work together to deliver transformation for clients?

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Season 5 Episode 46 - Finding Media Opportunities as a Financial Professional ft. Brittney Castro, CFP®, CRPC®, AAMS®


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